I have always loved to dance, share experiences and connect with people. I am continually curious about what motivates us and how we experience each other and the world around us. My curiosity (and a dance scholarship) moved me from the midwest to New York City. From there, I traveled the world, performing on stages in Europe and Asia, eventually returning to NYC. I then moved to Los Angeles where I discovered my love of film. I believe that together, theaters & feature length stories, transcend stereotypes & cultures and move us all from sympathy to empathy and eventually to compassion. I am grateful everyday to be able to collaborate with other artists, and join in this revolution of the human spirit!
The Internet Movie Database is the top online database for films, television programs and much more; search cast, crew, biographies, plots, ratings, etc. As of 12/2023, IMDb had over 600 million titles & 100 million plus registered users.
The link below connects to my resume on The IMDB website and includes film, television and video credits. My theater credits are not listed on IMDB, because the database is for film, video and digital productions and does not include live performances.